While Hubby was building the frame I was "manicuring" the strawberry pyramids.
All cleaned up!
All cleaned up!
I think the pyramids looked pretty nice at the end of the day. I trimmed the grass/weeds down to the dirt, folded newspaper to put under my tiles then, laid the tiles on top. I hope this will achieve several things making the pyramids more easily maintained. I am hopeful they will block the grass/weeds, keeping them from pushing up, under, through and into my pyramids. The newspaper under the tiles should also keep stuff from growing up between the tiles. I may have to resort to different material to choke out the weed between the tiles, more durable than the newspaper but it seemed like a good place to start. It hope it also makes lawn maintenance easier with less damage to the fruit from string trimmers. I think my weed solution is also pretty easy on the eyes.
All the tiles were extras gathered from Freecyclers in my neighborhood. I am very grateful to all the folks that have provided me with materials for these pyramids I am especially thankful to one particular "Freecycle Family" that provided enough strawberry plants to fill the second pyramid last year! I am hopeful that by next year I will be in a position to provide other local "Freecyclers" with the excess plants I imagine I will have.
Edited 5/09/2008 For specifics regarding the building of the strawberry pyramid see my webpage, http://www.livingcornfree.com/Garden.html. I built the second pyramid a little larger with more surface area. I hope to update the page with those dimensions and a supply list. I prefer my new improved pyramid.
All the tiles were extras gathered from Freecyclers in my neighborhood. I am very grateful to all the folks that have provided me with materials for these pyramids I am especially thankful to one particular "Freecycle Family" that provided enough strawberry plants to fill the second pyramid last year! I am hopeful that by next year I will be in a position to provide other local "Freecyclers" with the excess plants I imagine I will have.
Edited 5/09/2008 For specifics regarding the building of the strawberry pyramid see my webpage, http://www.livingcornfree.com/Garden.html. I built the second pyramid a little larger with more surface area. I hope to update the page with those dimensions and a supply list. I prefer my new improved pyramid.
these look amazing! can you share how you made these pyramids?
Hi there! Came here from the SFG yahoogroup and remembered reading some stuff on your older site (livingcornfree, I think?) last year. Thanks for putting this all online - I know it's a lot of work to do all that and I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates it and is inspired by it! : )
I have a couple questions (like what is that white tube sticking out the top of pyramid 1 for, and what do you do with the plants over the winter if you store your pyramids...) but I'll ask them on the yahoogroup...
See my webpage, http://www.livingcornfree.com/Garden.html about 1/2 way down the page you will find the info, including instructions and a materials list for the pyramid. Thanks for stopping by!
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